Dignity & hope for women
Your donation enables us to positively impact the lives of women trapped in prostitution.
Your donation enables us to positively impact the lives of women trapped in prostitution.
´ Your donation enables us to give a birthday gift to two women, showing them that they are loved and seen. Your donation helps us put together a pregnancy package. This covers: Maternity clothes, food and hygiene items for the mother, baby clothes, formula, diapers and other hygiene items for the baby. Thanks to your gift we can personally walk alongside and support five women as they take positive steps into a life of freedom.
Would you like to donate more?
We think that's great!
We are happy to advise you and look forward to hearing from you personally!
Donation seal & transparency
Thank you for your trust
We vouch for responsible and careful handling of your donation and for efficient management.
Since 2003, Samaritan's Purse has been awarded the Donation Seal of the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI) every year. The seal stands for audited transparency and efficiency in donations. You can find more information here.
As a member of the Transparent Civil Society Initiative, we are also committed to making information available to the public on our website.